Friday 27 February 2015

Nearly naked PETA protesters brought up a few good points...

Earlier this week, our nearby city of Saskatoon's downtown was graced with the presence of two beautiful, nearly naked P.E.T.A.  (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) protesters.  In minus 30 degrees Celsius. They wore some flimsy, nude underpants, and "vegan leather" cowboy boots.

Emily Lavender and Amy Balcome took their PETA message to the frozen streets of Saskatoon over the noon hour, protesting they would rather go naked than where leather, Thursday. Lavender’s face shows the shock of nakedness at -30 Celcius after the pair disrobed.
Photo credit to Gord Waldner of the Star Phoenix
Don't get me wrong, I am all for being ethical in EVERYTHING that I do. But you can NOT realistically tell me that stripping naked in -30 weather will make people think twice about donning their favourite pair of boots or shoes.  Literally the moment that I saw this picture pop up online, I heard my dad's voice in my head; "What the h*ll is wrong with those stupid women! They've got rocks for brains.."  And then in the background, I heard my grandpa's voice too, "Sure hope nothing freezes and falls off out there...".  And so I laughed out loud.  How ridiculous and pathetic do they look though???  Never mind the ethical treatment of animals, what about the ethical treatment of these young women???

You can't tell me that they are getting "good publicity" for PETA.  All they are really getting are frostbitten nipples, quite a few long looks from passersby, and a wicked head cold after that stint on the street corner.  The only people that stop to talk to them are the media, older ladies that are sympathetic and want them to cover themselves, or the random "gentleman" that is hoping to catch a glimpse of previously mentioned frozen nipples.

These girls have absolutely no clue.  No. Clue.

I'm going to assume that about 95% of mainstream clothing, priced in our affordable range, has ZERO animal skin or fur.  The sad part of these protests are that PETA wants everyone to stop buying REAL leather products-products that last for ages and when worn beyond their lifetime, can be disposed of and are naturally biodegradable- and to buy man-made synthetic products.  Or "vegan" leather.  I'm sorry....what in God's creation is vegan leather?  (Never mind, I just googled it-it's not really leather, go figure...)

When I was younger, we butchered our own cattle, chickens & pigs.  Our own deer, moose, or elk.  No, we didn't use the hides.  But you know what, that doesn't mean that we treated those animals "unethically" before we killed them.  Not even close.  (okay, maybe I kicked a pig or two in the snout as it poked it's head through the fence rails and tried to eat my precious rubber boots)  But those animals were, and still are, treated with respect.  They keep us ALIVE & HEALTHY!!!  I have never in my life treated an animal poorly, or unethically.  (My dad may or may not have strategically placed a fence post or two in the way of a certain stubborn cow's head, but it wasn't unethical-it was frustration after the 5th time trying to run her through the cattle chute.  Don't judge please, working with cattle doesn't exactly bring out the best in him)  I'm also lucky enough that I know exactly where all the meat products that I feed my family come from- the family farm.  Unfortunately a lot of people in this world haven't a clue of where their food or clothing comes from. 

I wonder if either of these girls was raised even close to a farm.  I wonder if they have fancy leather purses or $250 heels?  I also wonder how much those "vegan leather" cowboy boots cost them-and the industry to make- and the environmental impact of said boots after they've been made up until they're thrown away.

I also wonder if any of these PETA protesters have any actual morals.  What happened to loving yourself and respecting yourself enough not to show off your entire body for publicity's sake.  Do you think it really helps your cause of treating animals ethically when you can't even treat yourselves that way?

Now that I'm done my rant, I'm going to snuggle up with a cup of tea- in my yoga pants, woolen sweater, and REAL LEATHER-bottomed, woolen Padraig booties.  But they're probably not PETA approved.  Oh darn.

Cheers PETA!



  1. Fantastic point as always, Carrie! They think they are doing good, but, really, what is the environmental impact due to all the synthetic materials they are putting on their bodies? How many factories are polluting our environment to make their "vegan leather" boots? They truly are doing more harm than good.

  2. I wonder if they realize that if it weren't for leather and fur, particularly beaver leather and fur, that they wouldn't even have the "right" to protest against "animal cruelty". There would be no Canada as it is today without people buying and selling animal furs. Also, you are so right, I doubt they have ever even seen a farm. I bet some of their veggies are even grown using "fertilizer" from animals that lived on a farm and were probably butchered for meat and yes, god forbid those same animals were probably used for leather. It's just shear stupidity and they do it for attention. I'm glad I eat meat and wear leather boots and don't have to stand outside and as you said "have frozen nipples" haha.
